Friday, March 21, 2014

Our First Day!

Hola! We have all safely arrived and have yet to have any accidents or trouble. We are all extremely grateful to be here and enjoying it thoroughly although, noting or no one can prepare us for this sort of exposure. Today we first got lunch at a a local cafe and ate them at a park in Antigua. Afterwards, we started soon on our coffee farm tour and hiked up volcano Agua, we learned many of us are out of shape. However, we learned a tremendous amount about coffee and what it takes to make it. After picking Coffee berries, and a few limes, we went back to our tour guides home where the family showed us the process of fermenting and preparing coffee. We were able to actually make it and we all agree that this is the best coffee that we have ever had. Starbucks is nothing compared. After our coffee tour we went to dinner at cafe sky, and ate on the rooftop patio, enjoying the view of Antigua. We are all extremely exhausted but had an amazing first day!

Coffee farm tour

Feet after coffee tour
Written by: Clara Hilton and Megan Tugwell


  1. Hey, we need another High School/ School-wide event for the yearbook, could we use some of what y'all will have written and the photos? Thanks, -Sarah Woods, Design Editor

    1. Sarah,
      Please use whatever you would like for the yearbook - I would love for it to make it in!
      Ms. Ketner

  2. Yippee - glad you got there safe and now time to enjoy the coffee!
