Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 4: The Start of A New Beginning

Hello to our friends back home,
we are sending this using Google Chrome.
Day four was the start of building,
after the hard work we started chilling.
It all started in the back of a pickup
with PB&Js for us to lick up.
We met the families at their abode
after a bumpy ride on the road.
We gave the workers a helping hand
by shoveling the dirt and sand.
Others hammered cinder blocks
making holes and tiny rocks.
We added concrete to the dirt,
getting it all over our tee shirt.
Trenches were dug
to keep cinder blocks snug.
Rebar was cut and put in
to keep the foundation on course like a tail fin.
Water was added to the concrete mixture,
to keep it all a perfect picture.
Through the power of community and the Woods Way,
we put the cement in its final place to lay.
To finish a day of construction,
a square of cinder blocks was put in place for function.
We went home after the long, hard work,
the pepian dinner was a perk.
To finish off this poetic post,
here are some pictures for you to be engrossed.

-By Joseph Sharp and Cypress Angelillo


  1. Joseph & Cy, I love the poetic post!

  2. Ok, I was really confused until I got the rhyme. "It all started in the back of a pickup, with PB&Js for us to lick up." ...... Really??? ;)
